Monday, November 28, 2016

Tuesday's Staff Meeting


I hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving Break and you were able to pause and reflect on the things you're thankful for in your life.

Tomorrow at our staff meeting, we'll start with a little time to pause for thanks. Don't worry there is nothing you need to prepare for regarding this. Next, teams will reflect on their first trimester essential learning: (NH PLC Products):   what went well, what will be your next steps for your students who haven't mastered your first trimester essential learning and how you'll utilize this process more effectively for second trimester:  here's the reflection document we will work from.

Finally as grade level and SPED teachers, we'll  discuss our Tier I Guarantees in the area of Reader's Workshop, looking for areas we're doing well and some areas of improvement classroom teachers and special educators can collaborate around.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Common Formative Assessments


Many of you are wrapping up your first trimester essential learning along with your common assessments to identify if your students have mastered the essential learning you planned for them. Here is a link to an article on common formative assessments you may find helpful.

Also a reminder that we have our first building forum of the year at 8:05am tomorrow in the media center. I have attached the board approved calendar for 17-18, in case you have questions about it for district administration.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Second Assessment Window and EE Surveys


Surprisingly we've already entered into the beginning of the second assessment window which runs from November 7th thru December 2nd. Here is the assessment calendar for your reference. This is a formal benchmark assessment window utilizing Fountas and Pinnell. At the bottom of the assessment calendar, it references how much sub time grade level teachers have available for formal assessments. However, remember you can spread out your benchmark assessments during this window to complete them within your ELA block, if you prefer this method instead.

For year two continuing and probationary teachers, by the end of November you'll need to have students/clients complete your survey and submit the survey growth plan by Wednesday, November 30th.

Finally a few reminders of upcoming events. We have our 4-5 concert dress rehearsal for the school this Thursday at 2:45pm. Also on Monday, November 21st there's a district forum in our media center starting at 8:05am. Then on Tuesday, November 22nd remember Turkey Bingo is at 2:45pm. Classroom teachers make sure to have your bingo boards ready!