Sunday, April 30, 2017

Late Start Focus


This Thursday is our last late start of the year. You will have a menu of items to complete during this time. First, please complete your fourth form within professional goal setting, called the professional practice goal review.  Here is the district SLO support sheet to help you fill out this document and the other SLO form I will reference later below:  Professional Goal Setting Plan. Once you've reflected on your evidence of progress toward this goal, please submit to me on Thursday. Next, classroom teachers feel free to work on your pink and blue sheets for class placement day, if you haven't already. 5th grade teachers you can also complete the electronic form you need to submit to the middle school.

After this, staff can begin work on the third mylearningplan form within professional goal setting:  SLO end of interval review. I know you won't have your student data to enter the % of students meeting the goal into the first box (summarize the end-of interval status of your goal), but you can reflect on the process/actions you used this year with your students. You also can begin to draft your reflections for the final two boxes:  environmental/contextual implications and your lessons learned this year while going through the 16-17 SLO process. Remember to save any work you completed on this form, and here's a screen shot of it. Finally, any time remaining can be used on third trimester essential learning work or lesson planning for the month of May. There will not be a meeting to start this late start so you can begin work immediately when you arrive to school. However remember on Monday, we have a building forum beginning at 8:05am in the media center.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Proposed Fountas and Pinnell Communication Sheet


At the staff meeting on Tuesday, Amanda McCarthy will be rolling out a proposed new Fountas and Pinnell Communication Form to be used during the Formal Assessment window to communicate reading behaviors to next year's teacher. This form has been updated to give more specific information than the previous quarter sheet. As a school, you'll be coming to a consensus regarding whether you'll shift to the new form this spring or use the quarter sheet you've typically used to communicate reading information to next year's teachers based off the spring Fountas and Pinnell Assessment. Below is an example of the form. Please look over the form and be ready to ask questions of Amanda on Tuesday. Reminder:  5th grade teachers do not need to fill out this form for the middle school. The information you provide electronically for the middle school is sufficient. 

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Late Start Agenda


At our late start on Thursday a contintental breakfast will be provided in the media center.  Here are the agenda items to be covered:   

  • Technology Tips from Collegues
  • Teacher Salary Structure Update
  • 16-17 SMARTgoal Revisit
  • Third Trimester Essential Learning Work:  PLC Products

The next assessment window is a formal one running from May 1st-May 19th. Please ignore placing updated instructional reading levels in Skyward on April 14th. This date is listed on your grade level specific assessment calendars and should have been deleted.