Sunday, November 26, 2017

North Hudson WI School Report Card


During Thanksgiving break the WI School Report Cards were released to the public. Below is the link to North Hudson Elementary Report Card. Our overall score is a little higher than was previously communicated out, but it is still within the Exceeds Expectations range.

I also wanted to share with you a visual of our reading and math trend data for the past three WI School Report Cards in the areas of achievement, growth and closing the gaps. 

During the month of December, we will not have an All School Meeting on the first Friday of the month. Instead this All School Meeting will be replaced with our December All School Sing Along on Friday, December 22nd.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Gratitude Game


Be ready to answer the following questions tomorrow as part of the Gratitude Game. I wanted you to have the questions prior to our staff meeting at 8:05am. Please forgive the typo on the gameboard :). 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Report Card Timeline, Math Meeting and Year Two Surveys


Here is your report card schedule for this week.

  • Grades due in Skyward by 11:59pm Monday, November 13th.
  • Report cards are printed by 9:00am on Tuesday, November 14th.
  • Report cards that need to by reprinted will be done on Wednesday, November 15th.
  • Report cards sent home on Thursday, November 16th. 
Our Tuesday staff meeting is focused on EDM4. Please bring any questions you have for Lisa from the last round of district EDM4 training. 

Finally probationary and continuing year two teachers, your student survey growth plans are due to be submitted by November 30th. Prior to completing your growth plan, you'll need to either survey students (teachers) or clients (specialists). 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Forum and Report Cards


On Monday at 8:05am, we have our first forum on the year in the media center. Also on Monday it is the NH PTO's all day Pita Pit fundraiser. Marcie Andrews is willing to pick up orders placed by North Hudson staff on this day, and bring them back to school. Tuesday is the November NH PTO meeting, and it will be held in the art room.

On Friday the early release is set aside for report card work and uploading instructional reading levels into Skyward. Below I have included the guidance on report cards sent out by Sandi Kovatch last Friday.

As you prepare for first-trimester grading and reporting, Skyward is now open and there is a specific designated time for you to work on report cards next Friday at the early release. The Office of Teaching and Learning is re-sharing these documents, which are found in your grade-level essential documents folder, so we can continue to provide high levels of support as we transition to standards-based grading, this year in mathematics and next year in all other subjects.

Even though the report card shared with you shows overall grade marks and standard/ skill marks, Skyward would not allow us to differentiate. Overall grade marks by subject will continue to be 4, 3, 2 or 1.  Grade marks for standards/skill marks will be +, M, D or -.

Report cards - November 2017 version

To assist you in determining grade marks for ELA, the progress report rubrics have been updated to reflect +, M, D and -.
This is for your reference only - not to be shared with parents or students.

In addition, to support math grading this year, Lisa created the following progress report document - Tri 1 EM4  (for teacher use only) to provide clarification in reporting on student progress for the first trimester. There is a tab along the bottom for each grade level on this document.  You will note that the standard language aligns with the report card. The statements listed under each unit are taken from the star statements from the teacher manual and/or the mastery tracker. At the bottom, you will also find links to the priority standards and mastery tracker, please refer to your ACIs and assessments for more specific information. From your Tri 1 EM4 document, any area that is shaded for all three units is automatically an NA on the report card.