Sunday, April 29, 2018

Staff Meeting, Late Start and Upcoming Events


At our staff meeting on Tuesday, we will watch a video of author Sherry Turkle Alone Together. I had an opporutnity to hear her this past summer. Her ideas were powerful regarding the impact of technology/social media, not only on our children, but also on ourselves. As we get close to summer vacation, her message may assist you, and those of you who have school age children, to find a healthy balance with technology use. Here's an interview with Sherry Turkle, in case some of you would like to know more about her ideas before Tuesday:  NPR Interview.  Here's also another NPR article regarding Lonely Americans

On Tuesday, we'll also review the school events occurring during our last three weeks of school. A reminder that our last late start is this Thursday. This time is set aside for you to work on your SLOs and PPGs. Teachers and specialists here is the link regarding your work locations on Thursday:  May 3rd Late Start.

For your end of year SLO, you'll reflect on and answer these three questions:

  • Summarize the end-of-interval status of your goal and the process you used to support the growth of your target population.
  • Were there environmental or contextual implications that impacted the results of your SLO? If so, please explain:
  • Lessons learned:

For your PPG you'll reflect on this statement:

  • Evidence of Progress Toward Professional Practice Goal:

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Teaching and Learning Updates and Late Start


     At our Tuesday staff meeting, Teaching and Learning staff will be presenting on ELA and math. Some of the topics will include ELA priority standards, the three year plan for ELA and new information on the math profiles of progress.

     During the Tuesday late start, regular education staff will be meeting with me to either fill out the online class placement surveys for their students (K-4) or filling out the AIM sheets for middle school placement (5th grade teachers). We will start promptly in the media center at 8:05 am. Here's a link to the guide that will help you with the online class placement forms. Before Thursday I will be emailing out the access to this form to classroom teachers. After I do, I will send a follow up email because the email has been coming through to teachers in their spam.

     Most special education staff will be meeting with Fafani at ASC during the late start for training on the Child Outcome Summary Form that is required by DPI