Sunday, September 30, 2018

Day 5 and Late Start This Week


On Tuesday, during your Day 5 meetings, I'll review with you our SMARTgoals for the 18-19 school year, and how your SLOs can help support our overall building goals. Please bring to these Day 5 meetings your ELA curriculum guides because I will be giving you copies of your grade level MAP continums which we will be aligning to the ELA curriculum guides on Thursday.

On Thursday, we will have a staff meeting at 8:05am in the media center to get you ready for your SLO writing. If you have time prior to Thursday, please log into mylearningplan through class link and review your strengths and areas for growth within the standards/indicators from last year's professional goal setting plan found in your 17-18 evaluation folder.

 Later on Thursday, you'll be updating your reflections within the professional goal setting plan for 18-19. You'll also have time on this day to dig into the MAP continuum to align concepts and skills to your grade level's ELA priority standards. 

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Won't You Be My Neighbor


This past Friday, it was the 51st anniversary of Mr. Fred Rogers recording the first episode of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. In honor of this day, Google shared the following Doodle on their search engine (see below). The Doodle, "aims to be a reminder of the nurturing, caring and whimsy that made the show feel like a television visit between Mister Rogers and his young viewers." I found it the perfect introduction to our movie night on Tuesday. Again we will start at 4:00 pm in Mrs. Filarsky's room.

On Monday, During your Day 5 common planning time, continue your ELA work using the four questions PLC document you started last week during our staff meeting. Again please focus on a ELA priority standard you want every child to meet.

At our Tuesday staff meeting, we'll check in to see how the first two Love and Logic Classroom strategies are going:  Greetings and Neutralizing Arguing. Chris will then introduce the next one:  Delayed Consequences. Here's the agenda for the staff meeting. Please also bring your EDM4 Manual so you can do some planning during the second half of the meeting.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

PLC Staff Meeting


At our staff meeting, we will start with some celebrations from the first week. Be thinking of anything you might want to share from the following categories: student learning, collaborating with colleagues or results of our work.

The Love and Logic Classroom strategy to be rolled out on Tuesday is neutralizing arguments. Our ELA PLC agenda item will be focused around digging into the ELA curriculum guide to understand how the priority standards are infused into these revised documents.  Teams can also work on deciding which priority standard they'll plan, teach and assess together. I have linked the District essential document google folder.  Within your grade level's folder, you'll find the table of contents, it includes a link to the deconstructed priority standards which are helpful for your planning too. Here's a link to the agenda for Tuesday. Hardcopies will be at your table.

On Wednesday, during your Day 2 curriculum common planning with Teaching and Learning, they will be going over report card changes now that we also have priority standards for ELA. These meetings will be held in our conference room.

Over the weekend, I came across this Edutopia article regarding greeting students at the door. It highlights the benefits for both students and teachers. I found it reinforcing of the greetings and goodbyes we've collectively committed to this year.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Welcome Back


I am looking forward to a great first week of school with you and your students. On Tuesday we have our staff meeting at 8:05am to review the NH staff guide. I'll have some quiz questions to highlight important information found within it. Staff are welcome to come a little early on Tuesday (7:30am) to help us get our flags displayed along the front sidewalk. Our Patriot Day program will start at 2:50pm by the flagpole.

On Thursday, September 13th we will have our PBIS stations. Please refer to your PBIS binder for your station schedule. Then Friday is our first PLC common planning time. Your work will be focused in digging into the new ELA Curriculum Maps.