As you are wrapping up your MAP testing, I wanted to give you some reminders. Our building SMARTgoal and your SLOs have an increased emphasis on using MAP data as some of our targets. The rationale for this shift is it's more predictive of students being college and career ready. Below is our overall SMARTgoal and the two targets using the MAP.
District SMARTgoal: By the end of 2020-2021, 70% of elementary students will score proficient/advanced on the Forward Exam in ELA (92%ile of WI schools based on 2016-17 Forward Exam Data).
MAP Growth Target for spring 2019: 65% of 1st-5th grade students will meet their spring to spring growth target.
MAP Achievement Target spring 2019: 65% of K-2nd grade students will meet the college and career benchmark (scored at the 61st percentile or above on the Reading MAP).
After the mental health training on January 25th, you'll have time to continue your work connecting the priority standards within the ELA curriculum maps with the concepts and skills in NWEA MAP continuum to plan whole group mini lessons or guided reading. Your focus will be on the months of February and March. Feel free to also bring a device to access reports you may want to take a look at from NWEA. We will be providing K-5 teachers a hard copy of their winter class breakdown by goal and 2nd-5th grade teachers the winter class breakdown by projected proficiency. Each teacher will also get a hard copy of the learning continuum document we've worked from this year, as well as a copy of their ELA curriculum map. This time is meant to support teachers' mid year SLO, aligned with our SMARTgoal and also anchored to the standards, within our core ELA curriculum, that we've prioritized. The link below is the full day schedule for January 25th.
Jan 25th Schedule for Staff
Finally here are the two video tutorials Amanda and I have created to support other teachers in the alignment process. These will be shown on the 25th. Please give feedback to our building SMART Team, before Tuesday, if you have suggestions on how Amanda and I can make them better for your district grade level colleagues. Thanks!