Sunday, October 5, 2014

The The Continuum of Literacy Learning and Planning for Guided Reading


During this week's staff meeting, you'll have time to look at the current guided reading groups you've developed through the lens of the F+P Continuum of Literacy Learning. Please bring your groupings to this meeting.

On Tuesday turn to the guided reading tab/area of your continuum and focus on behaviors and understandings to notice, teach and support (within, beyond and about the text) within the specific instructional levels you'll be using with your reading groups. I'll have a graphic organizer available to assist you with your planning.

I also wanted to remind you of the Planning for Word Work after Guided Reading section found inside the guided reading area. These demonstration ideas can assist you in putting word work in context while allowing students to apply these skills.

Finally each instructional level within the guided reading section lists suggestions for selecting guided reading texts, as well as the characteristics of these texts at each instructional level. I'm looking forward to our time together to dig more deeply into this resource while planning for guided reading.

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