Sunday, February 15, 2015

Conference Preparation

With parent/teacher conferences starting on Thursday, this is one of your opportunities where you can make positive connections with parents regarding their children and their learning. I thought the following blog entry, even though meant for new teachers, has some wonderful reminders in thoughtfully framing your communication during conferences:  Conference Planning Tips

I mentioned at a staff meeting after fall conferences regarding some things I wished I would have reminded you all about prior to conferences. The main concept I'd like you to keep in mind is the sandwich approach for conference planning and communication:  start with something positive (strengths), continue with areas you'd like the child to grow in and end the conference coming back to something positive about the child. 

A good rule of thumb is to talk about students the way you would want someone to talk about your own child. I know this is a stressful time planning and preparing for conferences, but you'll all do wonderful. Thanks for all you do getting ready to share your students' growth     
with their families!   

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