Sunday, March 22, 2015

Educator Effectiveness Documentation Logs


At our staff meeting on Tuesday, you'll have time to work on your documentation logs. Within the Educator Effectiveness tab on my blog, I have added another document, the table showing what components you're responsible for each year of your evaluation cycle.

During our work session on Tuesday morning, SMART Team members will be available to refresh your memory on how to upload documents into my learning plan. One document I am requiring for Standard 6 is a professional development log. This is something you can be adding to every year of your evaluation cycle to show you're effective or distinguished in the area of professionalism. This log is available in your my files tab in mylearningplan, and it looks like this.

You can download this document and be adding to it each year from now until your summative evaluation. Kelli is also working on figuring out how to make this a google doc that you link into your documentation log, so any time you update it, the form automatically updates in my learning plan too.

Remember all teachers need to upload three documents total this year (except year three probationary teachers:  one document). Please refer to the form on the EE tab of this blog for which standards you can specifically pick from depending on the year you are on within the evaluation cycle. Teachers on cycle for evaluation need to have their documentation logs submitted to me before May 1st.

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