Sunday, April 5, 2015

Power Up Challenge, Standard 4 Assessment and Late Start


As we begin our first week of the Power Up Challenge here are the week one tips I sent out to you all at the end of the day on Friday. Remember to have your students track their fruits and vegetables each day and then at the end of the week collect all of their tracking sheets. Please place them in your designated envelope for the week.

On Tuesday, with the help of our Teaching, Learning and Assessment Team (Maren and Jennifer), we are going to be digging into the Educator Effectiveness Standard 4:  Assessment. This was a big part of their mid-year TLA district meeting, and will probably be a focus standard in the future regarding the district's compensation plan. As a result, I want us to continue to prepare ourselves by reflecting on teaching practices we are currently using, or could use in the future, aligned to the distinguished portion of the Standard 4 rubric. Below is the rubric language for both effective and distinguished practice within this standard. 

Finally during the building based late start of Thursday, certified staff will be learning/planning regarding the following topics K-2 teachers/PALS, 3-5 teachers/Badger Exam and Educator Effectiveness Documentation for all other staff:  Documentation Logs, year two Survey Analysis, SLOs, etc. I appreciate the time the district set aside so you can prepare for these state initiatives. Teachers involved in the Badger Exam, here is the DPI website with testing resources:  Badger Exam Training Modules  

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