Monday, May 25, 2015

Writers' Extravaganza, SLOS and ELA Curriculum MAPS


Tomorrow is our third annual Writers' Extravaganza starting at 2:30pm for first through fifth grades. Thank you for all the work you've put in with your students to get ready to share their writing with family and friends!

On Friday, I was able to meet with some grade level teams who had their end of year data completed to discuss SLO results. Teachers who are not on cycle, you can submit your Goal Setting Review document once you have completed the End of Interval SLO Review and uploaded your end of year data as a file. Tuesday, June 2nd is set aside as a Day 6 for classroom teachers to finalize SLOs for the 2014-2015 school year. A reminder for non-classroom teachers who are not on cycle for evaluation this year you can submit your SLO electronically, but if you would like to meet directly with me, please schedule a meeting during the next two weeks through Sue.

This week's staff meeting is on Thursday instead of Tuesday. Amy Wise will be leading the staffing meeting familiarizing you all with the ELA curriculum maps for the 15-16 school year. Wishing you all a great two last weeks to cap off a wonderful school year!

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