Sunday, January 24, 2016

Mid Year Reflections

Mid-year Reading Reflection

January is a great time to be reflective on student growth and our actions to support this growth. A reminder that the these two Day 6s:  January 26 and February 11 are times classroom teachers can meet with me to review mid-year SLOS. The February late start can also be used to complete your mid-year SLO, and I'd like to meet with as many specialists and SPED teachers as I can on this day. Classroom teachers who are ready to review your mid-year SLO with me on Tuesday, please save and notify the Professional Goal Setting Review document within mylearningplan on Monday. This will let me know you area ready. Specialists and SPED teachers who are ready to meet on the late start, please sign up for a 15 minute time between 8:00-10:30am on February 4th with Sue. 

Next Monday I will be kicking off "I Love to Read" month by reinstating catching students reading in February. If you would like to help me call, I will be getting a calendar up in the office so you can sign up. The commitment would be a 1/2 an hour for as many nights as you'd like to help me.   

Below are some FAQ regarding our reading assessments and the January assessment window. Remember to have all your students' instructional reading levels updated in the third F+P assessment within Skyward by the end of the day on Friday, January 29th. 

1.  Why do we need to update levels?
Maximize growth for all students.
Ensure we are instructing all students at their INSTRUCTIONAL Level.
Ensure students are reading at their INDEPENDENT Level.
Determine interventions and extensions needed.

2. When should we formally assess students?
Formally 2-3 times per year, and every student must be assessed formally in the spring window from April 11- May 6 for Title identification purposes.

This can be done during...
Your literacy block (including TARGET Time) and other times when you are available:  second recess, Junior Achievement, Art Adventure, etc.

Remember, depending on the grade level, everyone has at least a full day sub day to formally assess students.  Please code it PD Building and put F & P assessment in notes to admin. 

3. Can I move students without a formal assessment?
Yes, you can use running records, the comprehension checklist, Rigby, and your professional judgement from your guided reading anedoctal notes/observations. 

4. Who assesses students with an IEP for reading?

Collaboratively assess students whenever possible so you can have a conversation about how you can best support this student.

5.  What are our monthly expectations for INSTRUCTIONAL reading levels (month one is September, month ten is June)?

6.  What are the expectations for determining INSTRUCTIONAL Reading Levels?

7.  Where do I record scores?
Within Skyward, there are hardcopies of the directions posted on the bulletin board in the copy room across from the office.

8.  What do I do if kids have not grown in their reading?

  • Reflect on Tier 1 Guarantees- Are these happening?  If not, how can I ensure that these are happening?

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