Sunday, May 22, 2016


This week I'll begin summative and SLO meetings. Teachers who are on cycle for evaluation, I am combining these two meetings together. Teachers on cycle, once you've submitted your Professional Goal Setting Review (SLO) you can sign up for a summative/SLO meeting through Sue. Please sign up for a 1/2 hour block of time and schedule your summative at least one day after you submit your SlO. This will allow me time to review your SLO and submit your summative to you, so you have time to read it prior to our meeting. 

Here are dates available for summative or SLO meetings:  May 23-27, May 31st-June 3 and June 6. Teachers not on cycle may choose to complete their self reflection of the SLO electronically with me or as a group if your goals and actions are similar.

Also on Monday I will be sending out directions for submitting classroom pictures for our end of year slide show at our last All School Meeting. Wishing you all a great last two weeks of school!   

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