Monday, September 5, 2016

Getting to Know Your Students as Readers


With less fall assessments this fall (no MAP at most grade levels and no PALS at second), I'd like you to use the time normally spent on these assessments to get to know your students as readers, first and foremost by listening to them read. Amanda McCarthy shared this wonderful blog on just this topic: Getting to Know Your Readers. Also spend time reviewing their spring F+P notes from last year's teacher, and you now can also pull up your class to review their MAP data from last spring. This can be done looking at your class report or your spring 16 to spring 17 growth projections report. You need to choose students rostered in the fall 16-17, but students tested spring 15-16.

Starting tomorrow you'll also have five tickets a day (20 this week) to recognize above the line behavior as we teach and reteach our expectations these first five weeks of school. Entering/exiting/lines and hallways are our focus areas for the rest of the week.  Wishing you all a wonderful second week of school. It was great to have the students and you all back last week!

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