Sunday, October 9, 2016

Drills and Data


The weather on Monday looks wonderful, so be prepared for a fire drill around 9:10am, after first grade leaves on their field trip. This will fulfill our October requirement. 

Today the assessment window was finalized in Skyward allowing you to begin to import your instructional reading level updates through the end of the school day on Friday, October 14th. For the 16-17 school year, below is a screen shot showing what the test score headings will look like within Skyward. The October 12th window is actually listed as 09/01/2016

Here is the video link I sent out last year to assist you with importing your instructional reading data into Skyward. However remember the test score headings are different this year, as well as some of the deadlines for your data updates. Here is also the assessment calendar for your reference. This data will be used to assist us with our first round of progress monitoring, and your SLO development. 

If you have already entered your data for October, you will need to re-enter the scores after Skyward has been updated.  Sue or I can assist in doing this for you.

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