Sunday, October 30, 2016

SLOs, Staff Meeting and All School Meeting

Certified Staff,

As you submit your professional goal setting plan, I have set aside the next two Day 6s for SLO meetings (11/2 and 11/10). Teachers who are on cycle for evaluation this year, please set up a 15 minute meeting (through Sue) to review your professional goal setting plan. Classroom teachers, try to utilize the Day 6 common planning time above, and nonclassroom teachers you can schedule whenever we are both available over the next two weeks. Teachers not on cycle for evaluation, may choose to have your goal reviewed by me electronically without a face to face meeting.

Our Tuesday staff meeting will be held in the 118 computer lab. Kelli will begin with some tech tips followed by staff completing the online PBIS Self Assessment Survey (SAS).  As a building, we've taken this survey in the past to get a pulse on where we are with our Tier I implementation. Tomorrow Chris will be sending you an email with the link to the survey and some reminders on how complete it. I'm setting staff meeting time aside, so you won't have to complete it on your own time. Please log into a computer at the beginning of the staff meeting so you'll be ready to take the survey after Kelli is done.

Finally on Friday we'll have our November All School Meeting at 2:50pm. Dr. Zach McCabe, who's involved with the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin, will be speaking to our students for about 15-20 minutes regarding proper posture while using backpacks and tech devices. This is in conjunction with the second annual Chiro-Kids Day which was October 27th.

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